Your District 5400 Leadership Council is in search of nominations for District Governor to serve in Rotary Year 2017-18.  To be district governor, a Rotarian must have served one full term as club president (or partial term in the case of a charter president), be a member in good standing of a functioning club in the district, and demonstrate the willingness, commitment and ability, to fulfill the duties and responsibilities of the office of governor.  It is beneficial, though not required, that candidates have served the district in a leadership capacity, as a member of the District Leadership Council, as Assistant Governor, or as chair of a district committee or significant subcommittee.  Please send your recommendations to me before Oct. 1, 2014.  While nomination by a club will ultimately be needed, anyone can send me the name of a potential candidate at this stage of the process. Feel free to call or email me if you have questions. 
Yours in Rotary,
Marianne Barker, Blue Lakes Rotary Club
2013-14 District Governor, Rotary District 5400
20282 Hwy 30, Buhl, ID 83316   H: 208-543-5617; C: 208-308-5617