Our guest last week was Dennis Page.....Terry Jones is learning the intricacies of lacrosse......Andy Page's drivers license was a perfect example of Rotary networking...insurance, body shop, lawyer, doctor, newspaper reporter..its all there! .........Kent Adams is heading off to Kansas city for his wedding...wait a minute, I thought they were already married??...... TJ is away this week for an Adams Family Gathering in Kentucky - sounds like Deliverance.........Many thanks to Sue Beitia for finishing up our applications for District awards....root for us! .......Stacey and Wendi have agreed to head up this years Golf Tournament - should be in August....... We think the triathlon will be August 6th ...Cherry Festival parking project will be chaired by Kent Adams and Mark Wurtenberger.......looks like we have 14 people(including spouses) attending District Conference.....the clock is back, now you can read it...and its correct!