After a cold and stormy week, the weather dawned beautifully last Saturday for our event The Island. For you new to Rotary, this event was originally planned by us as a way to promote our Youth Auction. But it got so big that we just couldnt handle it anymore so we turned it over to a new committee, connected to the City Rec Dept. Our responsibilty now is to set up our cook tent and deliver quality hamburgers, hot dogs and soda for just a buck; in keeping with idea that this is "free" family entertainment!

Seventeen Rotarians showed up to work - and all hands were needed! It was the best turnout we'd ever seen, with the line snaking around the field until well after 2:00. We served nearly 600 meals. We did run out of nearly everything, but not until right at the end. Prefect planning, as usual. Thanks to all who helped!

Organizers are asked to hang around for few minutes after Thursday's meeting for a "de-brief".