By all accounts, Emmett's first Renaissance Faire was a huge success! It was fun that we could be a part of it! Our turkey legs were a big hit (althought there remains some dispute about the recipe) In any event, we sold out our entire supply of about 120 pieces ion Saturday! We had ample supplies of chorizos and hot dogs for Sunday, which was quite a bit slower. Lots of Rotarians made cookies using authentic medievil recipes - all were delicious. (In fact, we have some left to pass out on Thursday as samples). And we all did such a great job on our costumes! Personally, I would have to award the Best Dressed title to Doc StoneImage. Our booth was decorated just right, too! To see pictures of everyone's get-up, go to our homepage and click on Ren Faire 2011 under Photo Journals. Thanks to everyone who helped out!!  We learned a lot and we'll document our conclusions and thoughts for next year on the AAR.